Friday, March 30, 2012

Crossfit Craze

One day at the gym, I heard a girl talking about CrossFit. She was discussing how her and her boyfriend love to do these work outs together. Of course I became intrigued yet skeptical. It's very difficult to find workouts that compromise both female and male body parts. Crossfit is a 'universal scaleability' workout. This means this workout can be done by anyone e.g. your grandma, significant other, or rehabbing patient. The theme of CrossFit is that it provides 'functionality, intensity, and variance'.
It was founded by an ex gymnast, Greg Glassman, and used to train police back in the late 90s. He opened his first gym in 2000 in California. However, CrossFit didn't really start to catch on until the late 2000s. Currently there are more than 3400 gyms nationwide with the number growing daily.
CrossFit workouts are mirrored after functional movements. You learn to snatch, clean overhead squat, jerk, and muscle-up. These movements mimic natural efforts like standing, throwing, lifting, pulling, climbing, running, and punching. The movements are commonly done in a compound fashion with short high intensity cardiovascular sessions. 'Performing compound or functional movements and high intensity is radically more effective at eliciting any desired fitness result' says CrossFit's journal. CrossFit is a movement that even has it's own website and journal that you can subscribe to.

More specifically within the CrossFit workout the high intensity movements are commonly called "workouts of the day". A typical session will include a warm, a skill development segment, WOD, and stretching. CrossFit is commonly done in a class in order to encourage competition and track individual progress.CrossFit can be adapted to anyone by altering the skill development segment and decreasing the intensity of the work out of the day. The idea behind the creating a developmental skill, is that life presents us with unpredictable demands. We dont know how heavy our grocery bag is going to be or when the elevator at work will stop working. But we have to have the ability to handle these tasks. By testing our functional competencies with CrossFit we should be able to complete these real-life tasks with ease when presented.
Contratily there has been criticism about CrossFit. Risk of injury can outweight the benefits if exercises are performed with poor form. Getting proper guidance from a skilled professional is very important for this exercise program.

I personally have not participated in a CrossFit class yet but I plan on beginning a program this month. So stay tuned to my response to CrossFitting ;) If any readers have done CrossFit before and recommend a class, please shed some light!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Give it a whirl!

The past three Wednesdays I have been doing a playground activity I use to dread....the jump rope! As a child and now as an adult I'm a very uncoordinated person. It took me to the age of 18 in order to learn how to do the free style stroke. But at David Barton Gym on Wednesday evening there is a class called Rope Burn. It worked well with my schedule so I decided to give it a whirl-literally ;)

In grammar school, I remember every year on a spring day we would raise money for Jump Rope for Heart. I detested that day because it required me to be able to jump rope for 2 minutes straight which was an activity that seemed next to impossible. As I'm older now I can appreciate why my PE teacher spoke so highly of Jump Rope for Heart. Jump roping is not only a way to a healthier heart but it also increases strength/endurance and helps with coordination and dexterity. With rope-jumping, you have to become more aware of what your body, which helps you develop greater coordination. You are constantly using your abdominal muscles to keep you balanced as you jump. Your upper body strengthens as you whirl the rope and your lower body is powering up in order jump and land on the floor. But the greatest thing about it is that is costs less than $20 and you can take a jump rope anywhere.

Jump roping can be very hard of your knees. It is recommended that if you have any previous lower extremity injuries that you modify this activity or work into it. Fitness magazine reports that in 10 minutes you can burn 135 calories. 
What I liked most about Rope Burn is that the intervals of jumping were broken up with lower body and upper body exercises. After lifting weights, jumping rope becomes a lot easier. So since jump rope is such an easy piece of workout equipment to carry, give it a try. A good way to incorporate jump rope into a home workout is below:
1. warm up - jump casually x 1 min
2. jump fast and hard x 20 sec on with 10 sec rest in between x 8 reps
3.15 push ups
4. 25 squats
5. 25 crunches
6. Repeat series x 10. Feel free to alternate with different exercises.

After my first jump rope class my calves were burning so you want to make sure that you are jumping properly. According to a WebMD article with rope jumping you stay high on your toes and use your body's natural shock absorbers. Beginners usually jump higher than necessary. With practice, you shouldn't come more than one inch off the floor. I also recommend stretching your calves post jump rope in order to tolerate standing the next day ;) So regress to your childhood days and go buy yourself a jump rope in order to burn off the frozen yogurt you had after work....
Stephens B. 10-Minute Workout: Jump Rope to Skip Yourself Slim. Fitness Magazine. Available at

Jump Rope Workout & Exercise Routines.  My Jump Rope Workout. Available at

Skarnulis L. Skipping Rope Doesn't Skip Workout. WedMD. Available at

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What kind of junk to put in the trunk....

So many individuals participate in workouts in order to lose weight, but I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I've heard that working out makes me more hungry. This can be seen as a sick mind-game that your body is playing with your head, but in reality it's your body telling your head it still deserves diva star attention.

So as many of us do those what-seems-like-millions of squats and lunges to shape the booty. We are torching the calories and burning the fat so it can be used as energy. But it is important to consider what kinds of calories we are burning. As stated in a previous blog, calories are fuel and our fuel comes from the different resources we eat. Typically they come in forms of fats, carbohydrates, or proteins. Fats are the hardest to burn. We discussed that high intensity exercises with interval training is a good way to get at them. Carbs and proteins are easier to burn because we use them in everyday activities. Carbs are simpler for our bodies to breakdown, but it is important to know that some carbohydrates are simpler than others. For example, when you hear people choosing brown rice over white rice they are choosing the simpler carb-- meaning that this carbohydrate is easier for your body to use as energy. Conversely, proteins are important because they assist you in building and repairing muscle which is especially important in any kind of strength training work out. According to Weight Watchers website, 'A relatively high-carbohydrate, moderate protein, low-fat meal is best to consume with exercise...Protein is important for muscle building and repair, but in order to lift those weights you need carbohydrates for energy.' 
On every food label you see how many carbohydrates and proteins are available in each serving. But when looking for a pre/post work out snack how do you know what to choose. According to a 'pre workout meal is the meal that plays the largest role in supplying your body with everything it will need to ensure optimal performance during your workout. And the post workout meal plays the largest role in supplying your body with everything it will need to repairreplenishrecover and adapt to the training stimulus that you just provided during your workout.' Essentially both of these meals should consist of an almost even carbs:protein ratio. (Pre workout ratio should be even, but post workout carbs should be less than proteins). However, it is important to note that pre work out meals are less recommended if you are exercising less than 45 minutes you may not be burning enough calories to create a deficiet with a pre workout meal. Also commonly pre workout meals can cause issues with digestion. One thing that is so important to mention is that pre/post exercise meals are calories that you include in your recommended daily intake. They do not cancel out your alloted calories per day because you worked out. This is why it is important to consider what foods are most optimal to eat pre/post workout.
According to Shape.come 'Eating immediately after you finish a workout will be used for good (repair and recovery) and not bad (fat storage). In fact, your body's ability to refill muscle energy stores decreases by 50 percent if you wait to eat just 2 hours after your workout compared to eating right away. Eating after your workout may also increase your body’s insulin sensitivity or its ability to use carbohydrates—an important factor for weight loss and health) for the following 24 hours.' This means that eating after working out is the most optimal time for your body. Your body is ready to breakdown sugars which contributes to your insulin sensitivity. This is helpful to consider when you are managing diabetes. So all this hype about post workout meal sounds great, but it doesnt mean you can eat anything your round booty desires...
A lot of websites recommend a recovery drink. Recovery drinks are great because they are easy to make and have the perfect carb:protein ratio. I personally dont like recovery drinks because they take away anywhere from 300-500+ of my daily calories and waste it on a drink! I still want to be able to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner without going to bed starving. So what I recommend is working in your recovery food into a meal. You really want to make sure that your meal provides you with protein so that you are not starving at the end of the day. You also want to make sure you have some kind of carbs because otherwise you will feel exhausted which could also cause you to eat more. recommends that within 30 min you what to eat something with this kind of ratio:
Protein = 0.25g per pound of your target body weight.
Carbs = 0.25-0.5g per pound of your target body weight.

I'm personally a big fan of egg/meat sandwiches. You get your protein from eggs and/or meat, and your carbs from the bread which makes a very nice breakfast or sandwich at lunch. However if planning a meal is too inconvenient for you or you have extra calories to spare (I did when I was training for a 1/2 marathon) I recommend mixing a protein powder into a fruit smoothie. My favorite recipe came from my brother, Marcus, which is a good lower fat once. 

1 scoop protein power
1/2 banana
Handful of almonds
1-2 tbsp of honey

So next time you feel starving after working out think about what you are eating. Maybe looking at your carbs and protein ratio will help your body recover better. This may eventually lead to you carrying less junk in your trunk as long as you cont. consider calorie intake.

Roussell, M. Ask the Diet Doctor: The Best Post-Workout Snack. Available at

Bergman, M. and Leibrock A.Body Fuel: What to Eat Before a Workout. Weight Available at

Pre and post workout meal- What to eat before and after working out. Available at

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tortoise vs the Hares: The truth about Interval Training

I started interval training at Shred415 class about 3 months ago and it was love at first run. Shred415 is  a "total body workout that is based off of high intensity interval training". I began raving about Shred415 to friends. One of my friends, Nicole, informed me that they began a 'shredded' class at David Barton Gym. Luckily I found a Gilt City to a month membership at DBG, solely to take advantage of their many interval training classes :)

So what is all this hub-bub about interval training and why is every gym offering it?

Interval training is the method of increasing and decreasing the intensity of your workout. The workout consists of switching between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises are light --> moderate ( < 65% of your heart rate max) like walking, the elliptical, running at a steady pace. In these exercises you are steadily using your bigger postural muscles, such as core, quads, hamstrings, etc. Anaerobic exercises (> 80% of heart rate max) are heavy --> intense exercise, such as jumping, sprinting, stairs. Anaerobic exercises require power and speed so your smaller muscles are more active because they have to work at a quick speed. The heavy intensity is requiring immediate recruitment of you energy and stresses your cardiovascular system. Aerobic and anaerobic exercises have a tendency to utilize different energy resources. For your aerobic exercises your body primarily relies on your carbs (carbohydrates) because your body can steadily break those down. With anaerobic exercise you require more energy than that, so you burn more fat, and require more protein in order to repair the stress that has been done. 

By switching the intensity you are essentially switching between the fuels (carbs vs fat) that you to turn into energy. With increased intensity levels you are increasing fat burn which can mean that you can go further before tapping into carbohydrate stores. Your are also tapping into your carbohydrates with your moderate--> lower intensity activity. This is helpful because it allows us to lose weight or avoid gaining it because your fat storage is your hardest to burn. Many people who are consistently doing the same workout without challenging their bodies are commonly just utilizing the carbohydrate fuel source. So interval training is advantageous to burning fat aka that extra cushion.

Additionally interval training helps improve your cardiovascular system. You stress your heart muscle by alternating the intensity of your heart rate. Your heart is being stressed because it is pumping faster each minute in order to get enough oxygen to all those tinier muscles you are working in high intensity. Whenever you stress a muscle you cause it to strengthen. By strengthing your heart you will be able to endure increased intensity exercises for longer periods of time. According to a New York Times article,  "A study found that after just two weeks of interval training, six of the eight college-age men and women doubled their endurance, or the amount of time they could ride a bicycle at moderate intensity before exhaustion". So not only does interval  training strengthen but it increases your endurance. Increased endurance allows you to participate in activities for a longer period of time without fatigue. Fatigue is a challenge for overcoming plateaus or baselines. But by building up your endurance you can lower your baseline for fatigue and endure activities longer that will burn more calories and increase strength. However it is important to note, interval training isn't appropriate for everyone. If you have a chronic health condition or haven't been exercising regularly, consult your doctor before trying any type of interval training. Strenous exercise can results in injury so it is important to start slow and build up your stamina.

Where to begin with interval training?

At Shred415 works you alternate between cardio work on top of treadmills and weight-training, it's a fast-paced workout typically consisting of  four 15-minute sessions. The ideal result is in one hour you average a performance of maintaining a high heart rate, 70% of the maximum heart rate, Similarly, David Barton's, Shredded, you are also alternating between cardio and weight training but not at 15-minute intervals. The switch between the treadmills/cardio and weight training is the switch between aerobic and anaerobic.  This switch allows participants to to burn more fat and carbs while building strength and endurance. Additionally interval training is also something you can do at home. My friends, Dan and Kate, have an interval timer and they use it and switch between exercises such as jump rope, sprints, burpies, kettleball movements, squats, mountian climbers, rowing machines, squat jumps, etc. So jump on the bandwagon and get involved. Interval training will help you torch those calories, improve your aerobic capacity, and potentially decrease your boredom with the variety of exercises that it offers!


Mayo Clinic Staff. Interval training: Can it boost your calorie-burning power? Mayo Clinic. Feb 6, 2010, Available at

Jaret P. A Healthy Mix of Rest and Motion. The new york times. May, 3 2007. Available at

Weil R. Interval Training. MedicineNet.Com. June 6, 2008. Available at

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Don't be afraid to be the only white girl...

Today's blog was inspired by an impromptu workout. I had my last patient cancel early and I realized I'd be able to make a 6 pm workout class at LA Fitness: 6 Corners. The workout class was Zumba. I've been an observer of the tail-end of this Zumba class many times before. I've noticed everyone in that class seems to be of Latin descent and knows how to shake what their Mama gave them. Me being a white Jewish girl, I have no idea how to shake what my mother gave me. Now I'd consider myself a stronger individual, but my kinesthetic (where your body is in relation to space) awareness got lost somewhere...

Zumba is an aerobic workout. It combines Latin dance with easy to follow dance moves. Classes typically alternate between fast and slow rhythms in order to challenge your cardiovascular system. Typically Zumba uses 4-5 choreographed steps that you repeat for one song. Then as the class goes on you learn new songs and new uncomplicated steps. Each song lasts about 5 min and each song has a different pace. The 60 min of  Zumba class flies by as everyone cheers when their jam comes on. It's a great way to keep your heart pumping  and burn somewhere between 400-600 calories. WedMD reports that some of the benefits of Zumba can include calorie burn, increased aerobic threshold, more stamina, increased bone density, improved balance and muscle tone, less body fat, and lower blood pressure.
An hour after beginning class I realized that I was standing in a puddle of sweat and smiling ear to ear. I definitely felt my heart pounding during the whole class. I additionally would like to recommend Zumba because tomorrow is Wear Red Day. Wearing red tomorrow will  show your commitment to increasing awareness about heart disease among women and helping women take steps to reduce their own personal risk of developing heart disease. Zumba is a great  way to take a step to reduce your risk. The class is created to be intervals of intensity in the pace of music and type of movements. Your energy is expended and you maximize  your benefits for fat-burning. Zumba helps  loosen up your upper body by head and shoulder rolls. The Latin dance footwork can strengthens and stretches calves and ankles while help with balance. Even the danger zones: hips and abs, receive particular attention in the Latin dance style, because of all butt shaking. So dont be scared to try it! Check out the Zumba class nearest you! And if a Jewish white girl can do it, anyone can and it is tons of fun :)

  • Sarnataro, B.S. Zumba: Fun Is Secret Ingredient of Latin Dance Workout. WebMD Health and Fitness.  November 12, 2010. Available at
  • Watson, F. Zumba workout benefits. The limitless potential of you. April 26, 2011.  Available at
  •  Laskowski, E.R. What is Zumba? MayoClinic: Fitness. Jan. 15, 2011. Available at

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why the morning workout?!?

So last week my 6 am class at Core Fitness got moved to 530 am. It was already hard enough to chase children on scooters after a Train Like Jane class, but add another 30 min sleep deficit and I didn't know how I was going to deal with my 530 pm patient. Apparently the class was moved 30 min earlier due to more it allowing women enough time to primp and prime before work. I figured if people were willing to get up at 430-5 am to work out before work then there must be some kind of huge benefit. So my research began....
I started working out in the morning because I dont get off of work until 630-7 pm most days. By the time I leave the gym its 830 pm and I still have to go home to shower and cook dinner and be at work by 8 am the next day. I was not able to fall asleep until after midnight when I worked out after work which would leave me tired and crashing on caffeine the next day while eating massive loads of foods to stay awake. This was happening because as we exercise we raise our body temperature. As the temperature is raised our blood is pumping at mire vigorous rates leading to a reeved up metabolism. This was causing me to eat huge meals at 9 pm and I was going to bed afterwards thus not giving my body a chance to burn those calories. When our body temperature is raised it takes time to return to a resting state. Thus the reason why I couldnt fall alseep was because my body was still in exercise mode. Lack of sleep is huge when you are considering weight loss. If you are more sleep deprived certain hormone levels that control appetite are influenced. This can cause you to eat more so you have to weigh the benefits; lose sleep at night or in the morning.
Some of the suspected benefits of morning exercise is that its a great time to integrate a habit into your life. Every morning most of us drink coffee, brush our teeth, make our bed, etc. We do this in the mornings because we want to get them done before the business of the day catches up to us. Morning exercise can be added to that routine in order to initiate as a habit. And making exercise a habit will lead to even greater benefits!
Besides the creation of a habit morning exercise is said to provide you with extra energy to initiate your day. For the AM work-outers you've been up longer and your metabolism is going and your body temperature is raised. Since you've already expended calories to raise your body temperature you can better focus your energy on your work and you interactions with other individuals. There have been many studies comparing exercise groups to sedentary groups. The exercise groups consistently report increased energy with decreased fatigue. So why not give it a try? The only thing you have to lose is annoying your co-workers with your newly found increase 8 am energy.

Friday, January 20, 2012


An hour before I got off of work, this is what it looked like outside! There was no way I was driving home and then there was no way I was going to get to boot camp by 6 pm. I hopped on the red line and 40 min later I arrived at my apt to find my dear roommate wrapped like a burrito in a microplush blanket. Friday night for us = lots of wine, challah, and delicious foods. It was easy to convince her into a home-style workout. My goal was to burn at least 500 calories so we wouldn't feel guilty about that bottle of wine that we were planning on splitting ;)

I set a timer for an hour and this is what our workout consisted of. Rachel (my roommate) put on some jams and off the workout went. All we used for this work out was a pair of 5 lb weights and the stairs in our 3 story walk up. Rachel's only rule for me was that I had to call her Princess Peanut Butter Cup Powderpuff Poodle...

1- 5 min = Stairs
Alternating btw taking stairs one at a time vs skipping every other step. This is challenging your cardio system. The cold weather in the stairwell and the strength it takes to skip every other stair stresses your body. Working out in cold whether is a great way to challenge your cardio system and sometimes burn more calories. Your body is naturally burning energy in order to regulate your body temperature to keep yourself warm but as you are exercising you are also burning calories to move your body! Gotta love those double whammys :)

5-15 min = butt kicks x 1 min, R/L toe touches x 1 min each, jump rope (narrow stance x 1 min, wide stance x 1 min, R leg forward x 1 min, L leg forward x 1 min), running man x 1 min, R/L lunges x 10 reps --> hold 10 sec --> pulse 10 sec --> single leg knee ups
This section really challenges your cardio system but it also helps warm up the muscles. The butt kick works those hamstrings but stretch the quads. Your toe touches warm up your core and challenge your obliques. Lunges are a great way to work on balance and strengthen those thighs and butt!

15-30 min = push ups 2 sets x 10 reps, full extended plank x 1 min, R/L side plank x 1 min each, full extended plank x 1 min, high-five planks x 20 reps, R/L forward squat kicks with 1 min football run in btw
30-40  min = jump rope (narrow stance x 1 min, wide stance x 1 min, R leg forward x 1 min, L leg forward x 1 min), running man x 1 min, butt kicks x 1 min, R/L crescent kicks x 20 reps each, plie squats x 20 reps with 5 sec pulses every 5 squats
This section is really meant to work on strengthening. The planks work your core which is the most important muscle group in your body but you also are breaking up the strengthening with cardio.

40-52 min = R/L donkey kicks with 5 lbs x 2 sets x 15 reps, R/L 5 lb fire hydrates x 2 sets x 15 reps, old school sit ups x 1 min, R/L sidelying crunches x 50 reps, R/L sidelying triceps push ups x 15 reps each, in-out bridging x 1 min, scissor abs x 1 min
These 12 min we really worked the gluteals. Donkey kicks, fire hydrates, and bridging helps give you that buns of steel looks!

52-58 min = stairs again!
At this point our legs were definitely starting to fatigue. We were probably going at half the speed that we started. But this is the most important time to keep strong, fatigue = mm building! In order to build mm our mm fibers (actin and myosin) must tear. The mm strengthens as is repairs these tears!

58-60 min = stretch
I cannot begin to emphasis how important I think stretching is. In cold weather we have a tendency to guard up and tense our mms because they are working to keep us warm. As we work our mm we produce lactic acid and stretching helps keep that lactic acid moving in our mm which will ideally lessen our soreness.

After yelling at Princess Peanut Butter Cup Powderpuff Poodles for an hour I was way ready for my wine. So I'm off to drink my Sauvingnon Blanc. I hope next time you feel unmotivated and are wrapped like a burrito you give this a workout a try. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of these exercises. Happy weekend!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

About Me

With the new year under way many Americans are famous for resoluting to drop the pounds. There are many ways to accomplish this goal, but the best thing about this goal  is that it feeds my addiction....
As the new year approached I found Groupon, YouSwoop, Rue La La, Gilt City, etc. all offering huge discounts on fitness classes. I have always been a bit of a fitness guru with a bachelors of science in Kinesiology and doctorate is Physical Therapy. But I became addicted to fitness classes after discovering their affordable prices on couponing websites.
 My job consists of telling people how to improve their health 8-10 hours a day x 6 days a week. This has led to me feeling physically and mentally tired at 7 pm when I get off work. I found myself losing motivation to go to the gym. Consequently, this is what led to my addiction. I told myself if I buy fitness classes I will feel more obligated to go. So I began purchasing. Every class I started to attend a class I found myself analyzing the movement and amount of calories burned. I was gaining new ideas on how to push my fitness limits. I started noticing that I was becoming stronger and it also became easier to balance my long work days. 
By attending a variety of classes I benefited by learning different ways to strengthen my body. I am taking these ideas from fitness classes and incorporating them in advice to friends and clients. By being a physical therapist I have friends ask me about everything from massage to wound care. The purpose of  this blog is to make my advice more public. I want to be able to put my addiction to good use and recommend to fellow fitness freaks where to find a good workout. This way I'll feel less guilty every time I see another purchase at Rue LaLa on my credit card. My goal is to help advise on how to improve your health from a  fitness perspective. I will discuss ways you can push your body to the limits of change, but also provide suggestions on how to prevent and treat injuries. I will try my best to include reputable resource links too and if you have any questions feel free to post!