Thursday, January 19, 2012

About Me

With the new year under way many Americans are famous for resoluting to drop the pounds. There are many ways to accomplish this goal, but the best thing about this goal  is that it feeds my addiction....
As the new year approached I found Groupon, YouSwoop, Rue La La, Gilt City, etc. all offering huge discounts on fitness classes. I have always been a bit of a fitness guru with a bachelors of science in Kinesiology and doctorate is Physical Therapy. But I became addicted to fitness classes after discovering their affordable prices on couponing websites.
 My job consists of telling people how to improve their health 8-10 hours a day x 6 days a week. This has led to me feeling physically and mentally tired at 7 pm when I get off work. I found myself losing motivation to go to the gym. Consequently, this is what led to my addiction. I told myself if I buy fitness classes I will feel more obligated to go. So I began purchasing. Every class I started to attend a class I found myself analyzing the movement and amount of calories burned. I was gaining new ideas on how to push my fitness limits. I started noticing that I was becoming stronger and it also became easier to balance my long work days. 
By attending a variety of classes I benefited by learning different ways to strengthen my body. I am taking these ideas from fitness classes and incorporating them in advice to friends and clients. By being a physical therapist I have friends ask me about everything from massage to wound care. The purpose of  this blog is to make my advice more public. I want to be able to put my addiction to good use and recommend to fellow fitness freaks where to find a good workout. This way I'll feel less guilty every time I see another purchase at Rue LaLa on my credit card. My goal is to help advise on how to improve your health from a  fitness perspective. I will discuss ways you can push your body to the limits of change, but also provide suggestions on how to prevent and treat injuries. I will try my best to include reputable resource links too and if you have any questions feel free to post! 


  1. Wow. I wish to improve by strength and better balance my work days. If I may ask, is there any advice you can give me about Interval Training? Thank you for any help that you can provide.

  2. Yes stay tuned for future blogs :)

  3. love your blog! would you like to be my personal trainer? :-) also... what do you think about crossfit? have you done it?

    1. Girl, I havent tried CrossFit yet...They have a Guilt City coupon today, but its out of my radius for the winter. It looks like a similar workout to CoreFitness Chicago which is a facility I highly recommend. A blog on functional training will be coming eventually too! But let me know if you want to join me for a workout at CoreFitness, I'm going tomo at noon!
